Friday, July 4, 2008

Chain reactions.

of a friend which made me sad.

Ah, screw it. And so the road less travelled proved too difficult afterall. In conformity i see comfort. Yet therein lies a disatisfaction that i know i won't be able to live with for long. And so, i press on, clinging on to an unfounded hope, without which i am nothing.
In English. I don't like the work culture in Singapore. It sucks. Really.
Perhaps it's my fault i don't have many friends my age, save for a few good ones :) And because of that, few can truly relate. What's the point of having the nicest car in the world with no one to drive, the best squash racquet with no partner. I try, but it takes two hands to clap, Thank you dear ones who've clapped along.
No matter how much i condemn the paper chase though, i know almost for sure that one day, so too, will i be running that race, climbing that ladder.
I suppose it's all part and parcel of growing up.

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