Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today was another trying day.

Someone broke my cup!!! :(
I've been using that cup since i was in primary school la.. should have thought better than to bring it to squadron. Well he said sorry and offered to pay.. but how could he..
Reminds me of the cup's brother.. cos mum bought both of them at the same time, one for benny, one for me. And i broke his a long long time back while trying to splash water on Ben for fun.. I swung and the cup smashed into the staircase railing.. :p Now my cup has departed this earth to re-join his brother. ah ha.

A pilot dropped by today. I had a chat with him as I helped him bring down stuff to his car.. he's from VJ apparently. I was so happy talking to him! He just started talking so cheerfully! Really brightened up my day! :) Up points to my impression of pilots.

Yet throughout all these..

I'll still choose to listen to the voice of truth.
I choose to presevere.
I choose to praise God in the storm.

I was soooo happy to see Alfred and Joey in the bus on the way home today! Haha. I started ranting immediately :P

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