Saturday, October 4, 2008

VJC Open house!
Met up with a few of the 06s33 peeps, to crash open house '08

Mr Eric Foo!
My fav tutor, even though i ponned his bio tutorial. once.
Mass Dance!! Wat's VJ without it.
The good old rusty swing that hardly anyone uses but remains a vital part of the VJ campus
Chilling out at the Igloo..
Canteen food. Milo with pearls. It used to be my staple.

Visited Boon Sing at ttsh after that. Poor guy had an accident in the line of duty. Really hope he recovers fully from this and that life for him will return back to normal!! Now I really believe that life is really short, and anything can happen at anytime, to anyone. :(
Then it was off to Varsity Park for YAYAs BBQ. There was as usual, so much food, we played games to finish up the food. Photos from mel soon.
Meanwhile, i'm sooooooo tired, i'm going to sleep. Gd nite world.
Ohoh! Thanks Jialing and co. for that lilo and stich cup, and frog wrist pad all the way from wales!! :) :)

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