Monday, October 20, 2008

The weekend was great.

Half day on friday, went to meet the Prof from UQ who didn't showup.. hahaha. But no matter.
Brought cookie to the vet, she was soooo noisy!! Met up with the guys from 84th at singpost for dinner and chill.. ended up doing push-ups as forfeit out side macdonalds..

Sat, rested at home the whole morning, met Eugene for lunch at parkway, then went to esplanade for dinner with family. Watched a free dance festival performance at the concourse while waiting. Walked from esplanade to fullerton across the singapore river. They misted up the whole walkway under the bridge such that i was so scared i'd bump into someone.. couldn't see 20cm in front of me. hehe. Quite an exciting feeling. :D

Sunday, oh my goodness.. sunday, God spoke to me like i was the only person in the sermon. All the verses i've been reading surfaced again. I just wanna trust God to know what he wants to do with me in army. Indescribable feeling. Went out for lunch with a few of the youth. After that Dot came over to watch 10 promises to my dog. And she cried!! hahahahha. :p And we didn't even eat the popcorn during the show. heh.

Nice nice weekend :)

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