Saturday, December 27, 2008
Last night we went over to Dennis and Jan Adams' house for dinner and they were shared with aunty Maggie's family tips on living in Australia. Last couple of days we were mostly having lunches with the Kohs.. shopping around a bit.. I think I've been to Australia too often to call it a holiday. I wanna go visit new places..
2 Days left in the holiday and I'm having mixed feelings about going home. I wish I could stay on holiday forever but I know I gotta get back to life. And I want to too.
This trip was tiring. Trying. With a little fun injected here and there. But I know for sure that i'm gonna miss it. And i'm gonna regret not having tried to enjoy myself more.
We attended Crossway church this morning. The message was about what we wanted to do in the year to come. "The future is what we decide in the present, what we want to do with out past". The speaker said that many people remain in such disappointment with themselves for what they had done in the past that they are unable to move on, unable t forgive, thus unable to live. They're unable to make big decisions and commitments cos they're afraid that what has happened before might happen again.
There was an anology about a golfer who just hit a bad ball and even as he's lining up to hit the next, guess what he's doing.. " thinking about his last shot" of course. " don't slice the ball, don't slice the ball..." Guess what happens? He slices the ball! duh...
I dunno, I just kinda liked it.
One more. There's this dad who got into alot of touble with the law and as a result was improisoned and had little time for his family. He had two kids. One of which grew up to become exactly like his dad. The other however, became a really successful man, a family man, a boss of a multi-national corperation. When interviewed separately, on what inspired them to become who they were this day, guess what? They both gave the same answer. "How do you expect me to be anything other than the man i am today, with a father like that"
Oh another. From the bible. Peter and Judas Iscariot, both disciples of Christ. Peter denied Jesus 3 times. Judas betrayed Jesus to the roman soldiers. Both realised what a terrible thing they had done. But you know what? Peter decided to repent while Judas decided to let his sin eat and eat and eat away at his heart. In the end, Judas hanged himself. Peter, went on to live a life in Christ and bring glory to God in all that he did.
There's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't live a spirit lead life. Granted, we fall out of step with christ from time to time, but once we have accpeted Christ into our lives, he's always there to lead us and guide us whether you like it or not.
Photos up on facebook soon.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I finally completed training.
This means:
I no longer have to report to so many people.
I get to go home at 3 if I start at 0630.
I get to apply for leave.
I get offs for working on weekends.
I am now solely responsible for my own actions.
* * *
My family is in Melbourne now. I'm going to join them on Mon!! I checked in online already. So excited!
God is really great! On wed, Aunty Maggie's family flew off. And I thought i wasn't gonna be able to see them off since i was working night shift. But Just nice CTO wanted to treat us to popeyes. And I was tasked to go along to buy it!! So i got to go to the airport and see them off! And then watch their plane fly off from my own control tower. wohooo!
Last night would have been kinda lonesome if not for sooooo many people who came over to cook and have dinner!! :) :)
My hands still smell a lil of onion. -_-"
But it was fun!! I feel so independent, shopping for groceries and then coming home to cook!
Thank you all who came!! I'm really glad that so many could make it!! :)
Stay-over at Lix's immediately after. Brought over the other 2 tubs of ice-cream which is still there now... hahahha. I was sooo tired i couldn't stay awake during the movie. But it was nice to see you guys again! Apologies for not being able to stay for lunch! I've got loads to do before I fly off on mon!!
Which is why i gotta go now!! byebye!! :):)
Oh happy Day!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It was like any other family dinner this time. Nothing christmas-y about it at all. :(
We had to have it early this year since Aunty Maggie's family and mine were going away for christmas.
I really miss having christmas-y christmas-es. It only comes once in a year and I always look forward to it.. but...
This year we're not even going to put up the tree and all.. :(
Mum and Ben are gonna stay with the kangaroos for 3 months, Dad and I are coming back.
I hate globalisation and cross-border mobility.
I need sleep. Been going to work early so many times, weekends included.
At night I fight the dilema of staying up to relax, or to catch up with sleep.
I want heaven. I deam heaven to be a place we sleep 22 hours a day.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
In 20Years where I'd be.
Probably sitting in front of the computer.. blogging about wat it was like 20years ago..
When i was sitting in the army rover.. contemplating my future watching planes go by..
I dreamed I could fly a plane..
I dreamed I could cure animals and watch them bounce back to the life they once knew..
I dreamed I could earn a million bucks and still have time for my family..
I dreamed all my dreams came through while I sat at my backyard with family and friends..
I wish I knew all that there was to know and all that there was to come.
But then.. life would be boring wouldn't it.
I wish time could stand still when I wanted it to, and flash-by when i willed it so.
But then I wouldn't treasure all the beautiful memories I had a chance to create with some special other people, would I?
And I wouldn't be able to long for horrible times to be over quickly and look forward to more opportunities to create new memorise with such eager anticipation as I do now, would I?
It's the very fact that nothing lasts forever while we are in this world that we ought to treasure every moment as though it would be our last. It's this transient nature of things that makes the very life that we live, worth the living.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Or so they chant..
People come, people go.
It's a weird feeling to have known some people for such a short time, and then they're gone. Mobility of human resource. Elastic supply of manpower.
In my short 2 years, i'll have witnessed people posting out, and new people posting in too. I'd have chatted with them for a while, talking about anything from the weather to politics to TV programs. And yet, despite all this being very well, i can't help but feel that human relationships are meant to be more than that. Perhaps that's why I find myself very much less of a chatter-box than i used to be. I feel that if there isn't enough time to develope a close friendship with people, i'd rather not get aquainted at all. Your comments?
I know to some, I might come across as pretty unfriendly as a result... but oh wells.
Sustaining friendships really takes an effort man. I used to think along the lines of "although we don't always talk, and we don't meet up often just to find out how each other is doing, we'll always be friends, cos i'll be there for you". But as much as I'd like to think that this is true, I know that that's just being lazy. I mean, honestly, how can you call yourself a friend if u don't even know what the other person is going through. And how can you know, if you don't spend time with that person.
And now I know that as surely as Fire needs heat, oxygen and fuel to burn, friendships need qualty time to grow and sustain.
Now you know why I long for retirement so.
Not enough weekends in the week.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Das Experiment. A play in which Scientists put a group of people in a mock prison environment, some to be guards and others prisoners. Unbelievable how the mind works. In the play, the volunteers get so into it that the guards start torturing the prisonerss, even denying them of medical treatment till deaths occur. No one's that resillient I guess. And i thought being called to live a christian testimony is hard.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I am not commanding you, but to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the earnestness of others.
I was reading the book 'A walk to remember' by Nicholas Sparks. And I came to the above verse quoted in the book. And i stopped to ponder.
I was sitting at city link today while waiting for the rest to come.. I can safely say the number of couples walking by was about 10 a minute. It's depressing. I dun get it man. What's it take for a guy and a girl to get together huh. -_-"
Good night world.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It's hard to swallow my pride and reconcile especially when I don't feel like i should be the one to reconcile. Yet. God has commanded us not to let the sun go down on your anger, and to leave our sacrifices at the altar, go settle any disputes amongst our brothers and sisters in christ before coming back to offer our sacrifices.
Love is patient. It keeps no record of wrong.
Hannah Yeo thinks i have a girlfriend!! HAHAHA!! She's so funny.
Yea my girlfriend.. here's a pic
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Things in camp seem to be falling into place.. but things outside seem to be falling apart. And i'd give anything for them not to.
I miss my friends..
Busy busy. Swallowed up by the world, they are. I wish I could do something for them. All I can do now is pray and be there for them when they need me..
The thing is.. do they?
I feel kinda odd.. dispensable.
I thought we understood each other.. I thought we clicked. It was convenience.
And they said brothers stay brothers for life.. eutopia.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I don't understand what's happening!! I haven't changed that much have I? I still treasure our friendship as I
If I stayed in Singapre, i'd study psychology in NUS. I'd learn up my japanese. I'd learn driving, i'd learn tennis.. i'd learn kayaking, i'd learn how to cook.. i'd join campus crusade..
And then at 26 i'd apply to be a pilot with SIA. Sounds good.
always have. But recently it's been horrible. Everything i say seems to piss you off. I'm scared to talk to you.
If i went to Auzzie, i'd be a vet. I wonder if i'll have time to learn other things.
I need advice. haha.
I'd change if u tell me what to change. Until then, i wish u all the best, brother.
I need to talk to vets and pilots.. help?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Half day on friday, went to meet the Prof from UQ who didn't showup.. hahaha. But no matter.
Brought cookie to the vet, she was soooo noisy!! Met up with the guys from 84th at singpost for dinner and chill.. ended up doing push-ups as forfeit out side macdonalds..
Sat, rested at home the whole morning, met Eugene for lunch at parkway, then went to esplanade for dinner with family. Watched a free dance festival performance at the concourse while waiting. Walked from esplanade to fullerton across the singapore river. They misted up the whole walkway under the bridge such that i was so scared i'd bump into someone.. couldn't see 20cm in front of me. hehe. Quite an exciting feeling. :D
Sunday, oh my goodness.. sunday, God spoke to me like i was the only person in the sermon. All the verses i've been reading surfaced again. I just wanna trust God to know what he wants to do with me in army. Indescribable feeling. Went out for lunch with a few of the youth. After that Dot came over to watch 10 promises to my dog. And she cried!! hahahahha. :p And we didn't even eat the popcorn during the show. heh.
Nice nice weekend :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
I have to give cookie her medication by means of a syringe every morning and evening.. I wonder how she'll take it. I'm not even sure i know how to do it right.
I told the vet i'd like to volunteer at her clinic since i was interested in doing vet science. She replied "you ready to sign your life away ah? No social life at all lei"
Wow.. shucks.. is it that bad? Guess i'll never get married.. haha. Unless of course.. we set up a clinic together. o.O
Met up with chipmunk, kangarooB and Fredsama after that at singpost and we were doing push-ups outside the first floor landing as forfeit. chipmunk had to do alot, so we had a good laugh after finishing our share quickly! Thankfully it was at night, so it was less embarrassing.
But God is great. He cancelled my test at AFS today, but i still got the half day off!!! :)
Tyrone was actaully fighting to let me go! I'm so awed. Haha.
I was sitting at the bus stop reading romans.. and God led me to this:
Romans 9:25--
For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom i have mercy, and i will have compassion on whom i have compassion." So it depends not upon man's exertion, but upon God's mercy. For the scripture says to pharoh, " I have raised you up for the purpose of showing my power in you, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth." So then he has mercy upon whom ever he wills, and he hardens the heart of whoever he wills.
You will say to me then, "why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?" But who are you, a man, to answer back to God? Will what is moulded say to it's moulder. "Why have you made me thus?" Has the portter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for beauty and another for menial use?
We must decrease so that Christ can increase. God's really putting me through all this so that his name may be glorified even as I put my trust in Him day after day.
We know that in everything, God works for the good of those who trust him, who are called according to his will.
If God is for us, who can be against us.
In all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither deah, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in christ Jesus our Lord.
I need you Jesus,
To come to my rescue,
Where else could i go
There's no other name,
by which i am saved
capture me with grace,
I will follow you.
He said come unto me, all who are weary, and i will give you rest.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy and stressed at the same time.
Tmr I getting a half day off, after taking some exam outside base, Thank God!!! :)
The power of prayer. Thanks YAYAs!
Seems like a lot of people are going through rough patches huh.
Everyone needs compassion
The kindness of a saviour
Let mercy fall on me
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender
Saviour, he can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to Save
He is Mighty to Save
Forever, author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Suddenly every line of the song jumps out at me :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
I feel happy! I tutored my driver friend for his upcoming O levels. And i helped my mdm look through her grandson's english essay! Finally something more intellectually stimulating. And they look up to me and respect me for being able to do it well. Maybe that's why i'm so happy about it. :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008

There's just something reassuring about a small shiny green light that says, it's safe to proceed.
I never expected to go home dripping.. Thanks ah? The poor taxi driver. Heh. But it was a fun afternoon at the beach! We probably worked off all that subway pretty effectively! I just hope mum doens't mind sand in the laundry. :p
Urm.. just some random encouragement to all out there who're taking exams. gambatte means 'be strong' in japanese. :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Started the week feeling blue and tired. But It's amazing what God can do. :) When u choose to love. Others see the difference in you. Really.
No matter how much crap others throw at you, 'pray for thy oppressors', 'love thy enemies'. And it works! Now at least i've made friends with a few people. And they've begun to realise that I'm not that screwed up afterall :) I actually did well during one of the training sessions and my supervisor praised me! Things are changing around here all right. :)
My senior dropped me off at marine parade after work. The thing I love about that area, I can always count on bumping into someone I know! :) Seriously!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Chilling out at Novena after church
A good weekend. I can't wait for the next. I live for the weekends.
Should I join chorale??? They're going Korea, that's 7 days of unrecorded leave from army in January 2009, cos we'll be representing Singapore to compete!! That's like the ultimate incentive for me!! Saturdays, 3-6pm. How How How??? Should I??
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Met up with a few of the 06s33 peeps, to crash open house '08
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Left work at 10am for meeting, after that followed one of my seniors to marine parade. I bumped into a few VJ people! :) :)
Went for inter squadron bowling after that. We won! although I don't think I contributed much, but finally I saw some team excellence come into play!
Thank you Lord, looks like at least for now, there shines a more prominent silver lining.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So much action and the plot's not bad too!! :)
We were sposed to go night safari but in the end, we ended up eating at mushroom pot near leisure park, before catching a 10pm show. Mum and Dad were so tired by the time we finally got home! haha.
Work was better today! Someone took over my duty so i could have lunch cos my training ended late. Tmr's a holiday! And there SQN bowling on thurs. SLACK! :) And although i got fined today.. nvm.
Filled up my application forms for queensland and murdoch! David said, effectively, next year will be your final year here liao..... I think i'll cry. hahaha. :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008

VJChoir Carolling '07
I wonder if i'll be there this year..
If I am, it means my leave for Auzzie did not get approved.

Photo taken by Aik Leng, koped from his facebook.
We just performed our best at SYF '05
Unofficially, VS was the top choir that year. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008
Even youth grow weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who hope in the Lord, he will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Some comforting words from the bible last night.. Really quite trying.
I finished work early today. I decided i'd walk out.. So i grabbed my bag and started walking. And on the way, some guy driving past gave me a lift out. Thank God :)
Hide me now under your wings.
Cover me within your mighty hands
When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with you above the storm.
Father you are king over the storm
and i will be still, know you are God.
Find rest, my soul,
In christ alone.
Know his power,
In quietness and trust.
When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with you above the storm.
Father you are king over the storm
and i will be still, know you are God.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Someone broke my cup!!! :(
I've been using that cup since i was in primary school la.. should have thought better than to bring it to squadron. Well he said sorry and offered to pay.. but how could he..
Reminds me of the cup's brother.. cos mum bought both of them at the same time, one for benny, one for me. And i broke his a long long time back while trying to splash water on Ben for fun.. I swung and the cup smashed into the staircase railing.. :p Now my cup has departed this earth to re-join his brother. ah ha.
A pilot dropped by today. I had a chat with him as I helped him bring down stuff to his car.. he's from VJ apparently. I was so happy talking to him! He just started talking so cheerfully! Really brightened up my day! :) Up points to my impression of pilots.
Yet throughout all these..
I'll still choose to listen to the voice of truth.
I choose to presevere.
I choose to praise God in the storm.
I was soooo happy to see Alfred and Joey in the bus on the way home today! Haha. I started ranting immediately :P
Monday, September 22, 2008
I had to kick a frog off the road.. and it didn't want to budge. I had to kick it like more than 20 times cos i didn't want to kick it too hard and make it really fly off from the center to the edge. It kept flipping and rolling but just refused to move off on it's own. I felt really mean.. like a big bully kicking this helpless creature. I don't know what it was about that pathetic sight of the frog being kicked around that made me want to blog about it. But no choice! I had to!
Amazing what you can do when your goal is to love though,
Even monsters don't seem so scary anymore. :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
After last night's chat. This morning's sermon came at a PERFECT timing. Right in the mids of the storm, God called out to me.
I realised that what i'm going through really isn't a tad as bad as what daniel went through in Babylon. The guys there were out to KILL him.
Jeremiah 29 : 7-14
7.But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. 8.For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel : Do not let your prophets and your diviners who are among you deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams that they dream, 9 for it is a lie that they are proophesying to you in my name; I did not send them, says the Lord.
10. For thus says the Lord: When seventy years are completed for Babylon, i will visit you, and i will fulfil to you my promise and bring you back to this place. 11. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and i will hear you. 13. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, 14. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from whilch I sent you into exile.
Dear God, I'm going to wait these two years for you to bring me home. But during my time here, in my own Babylon, I pray that you'll make me a daniel in this foreign land. Help me to Love as you have Loved.
1 Chorintians 13: 1-7
1. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2. And if i have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3. If I give away all I have, and f I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Dear God. Thank you for teaching me how to love specifically. Help me to practice this in my Babylon until you call me home again.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Mum's birthday just over. She's 45 now! We didn't have much of a celebration due to work commitments. Well at least dad still took her out for lunch.
I just realised that the noun for being busy is Business. I feel so enlightened!
Elise's cat, kookie. The black and white one. Not the brown one in jeans... That's me.

Sunburned. 痛い!!:(
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Just love them like Jesus. I'm really trying. It's tough.
Really, the greatest lesson I believe I can learn from these two years will be humility. Carol hit the nail on the head way before i even enlisted.
Then again, I'm not sure it's this kind of humility I ought to learn.
No, a more correct virtue to be learnt has to be meekness. Not speaking up for your rights. I'll be an expert by the time I get out of here.
I really hope i can go australia this year end.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Mum's collegue just died in his sleep a few hours ago. Shocking. She doesn't know what to say to the students tmr. Apparently he was in the pink of health. His fiancee couldn't wake him from his sleep and she brought him to the hospital. Tragic. How precious life is. I'd be distraught if someone close to me just left without a word. Just like that. Without warning. Unanticipated.
David challenged me to song lead. Honestly, i dun feel "called" right now. I hardly even do my own QT. Now's probably not a good time.. but then again. When will it ever be if not now. I feel so.. lost.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Went to The Cavern before that. It's a pub at Boat Quay! Airforce Squadron gathering to watch liverpool vs Man U. Tia Maria is a nice drink! I'll order that next time, if there ever is. Only took one sip from randall. Mine was Chocolate Martini! Wohoo. And since it was a squadron thing, they're all sponsored. :D Encik yeo koh paid for my spring chicken. haha. Thanks! :)
I can feel mum's reluctance to letting me go drink alcohol. At the same time i know she's trying not to control me too much anymore. She didn't say much, only gave me that look when i told her I needed to train up for social drinking. I quoted grandpa, "why you so lousy! turn red so fast!"
Ah well, but i doubt i'll be one to drink till i can't walk. not to worry :)
But who knows.. only time will tell.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"..." I reply.
Ah. Today was a good day, half the day gone doing ippt in the morning. I was so smelly in the car back to base that they dropped me off at home to bathe. Serendipity. I realise i love variety. Sitting in the same place for too long kills me. On the other hand, picking up dead frogs on the runway... hmm, and that's exactly what i did today. It was dried, and flat, black like a twig. I picked it up with my bare hands!! All the legs were together at one end and the eyes were like black diamonds. :P
Shihui, i'm so gonna miss you when/if i go to auzzie land to study.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
All this worry about which course to take in which Uni is driving me crazy..
Dad was telling me i can actually be a vet that flies around in a plane to save animals in the wilderness. I guess that'll be really cool.. but i'm not sure if people actually do that? I'm feeling so lazy and unmotivated to do anything.
Focus on the family workshop today. Well it was not bad.. just reinforcing what i already know though.. not much new things that i haven't heard before.
The funny thing about blogging is that you have so much u wanna blog, but then you open the window and u stare blankly at the screen. urgh.
Met up with the guys at 1am to play lan till 4am..
Ran in the rain, from paradiz to PS which was closed.
Sat on the steps, hungry and tired, and did i mention.. WET.
Contemplated ordering macdonalds until Joey fell asleep.
Walked over to rendevous hotel to sit in the lobby for 20sec before getting chased out by the security guard.
Had breakfast at the 24Hr Kopitiam which sells ice milo at 2bucks a cup.
Saw a whole group of transvestites, who screamed in a crescendo when one of them dropped the tray, as if trying to remind the whole world that they were females..
Reached home at 7am and Dad said "Good morning!" as i walked in through the door and he walked out to go to market.
And then..
Saturday, August 30, 2008
All: -_-"
Thanks Alfred and Joey for organising. Thanks Jenzus for hosting. Thanks Mdm Lena for sponsoring a huge amount. Thanks everybody for manking the BBQ so enjoyable!! Gonna kope the pictures from Joey once he gets them from staff andrew!
All the best to you Huay Shan! Next time i fall sick, i'll go to your clinic! hehheh. Come back often, more class gatherings!! Holland V is a lively place even at 2am. Swensons still had customers! So cool! And that's where my grandparents live somemore. I wonder if they heard all the racket we made at the playground at their block.
A weekend well spent.
Suddenly I have the urge to be a pilot all over again.
Maybe i ought to be a vet with a PPL, so i can fly from place to place to do my research. Hmm..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Cabbed down to Lix's birthday party after that.. Good to see everyone again, as always. Sad to see that A lvls has kinda sapped alot of energy from them though. Or issit something else. I don't know. It feels different definitely. I wonder if I was like that in year 2.
Only wish there were more days in the weekends, time to spend with friends. Time to waste with the people I love. I guess while we're on earth, we can only dream of such a heaven.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Can i handle that??
Guess i could.. if i wanted to.
What's my passion?
Animals make me happy.
Friends make me happy..
Rollercoasters make me happy..
*chicken essence just appeared on tv*
Holidays make me happy..
Boat rides make me happy..
I guess i could take a ferry to some holiday destination and ride a rollercoaster with a friendly animal..
Not being racist here but dating blondes with freckles who probably dun get much of the lame shit i'm known to come up with isn't a very appealing idea to me at the moment.. I ain't that charming man..6 years.. gosh. Not like i'm doing very well back here at home. I'd be 27/28 by the time i'm back home? Dad got married at 28!! WTH??
Ah. unfounded worries perhaps? but nonetheless. One can't help worrying.
I had a sweet dream last night. If only it was real. Then again, that'd be just imposing my wishful thinking on you.. heh heh. WDV. Fred, you're full of shit. :p
Most of the guys are gone. Left chiong sua, T-rex, fish ball and me. Hardly go to the mess, T-rex is still trying hard to complete metal slug.. I'm falling in love with Nora Roberts.. (hahaha) I'm only half way through the book though. The story's just begining. But practical lessons are picking up a furious pace.
Flu bug spreading around AFS.
Practical assesment.
Course grad gift.
Course T-shirt.
Birthday parties.
Went out with Dua bao, ben, and shawn impromptu on wed nights-out. Was great catching up after years!! reliving the old times, just the four of us, pizza and stories. Shawn's wins hands down. I hardly have a story to tell.. though ben kicked me real hard under the table. Hope the next outing isn't too far away. It shouldn't be, i still have shawn's polo T which was meant for Ben. Dots...